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Ho-oh- level 45- Bell Tower

Lugia- level 70- Whirl Islands

Suicune- level 40- Route 25

Articuno- level 50- Seafoam Islands

Zapdos- level 50- Route 10

Moltres- level 50- Mt. Silver

Mewtwo- level 70- Cerulean Cave

Kyogre- level 50- Embedded Tower

*Rayquaza- level 50- Embedded Tower

**Dialga/Palkia/Giratina- level 1- Sinjoh Ruins

Raikou- level 40- Johto Roamer

Entei- level 40- Johto Roamer

Latias- level 35- Kanto Roamer

You can also catch many other legendaries with Wi-Fi like Latios and Mew

*You need to show Professor Oak a Kyogre and a traded Groudon from the Embedded tower to access Rayquaza

**You need to show the man at the Ruins of Alph building an Arceus to get a choice of Dialga, Palkia and Giratina.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Well, you can get Articuno in Seafoam islands, Zapdos at the power plant, Moltres at Mt. Silver, Mewtwo in cerulean cave, Suicune at route 25, Entei and raikou roaming johto, you can find latias roaming kanto, latios in pewter city (enigma crystal), Kyogre and rayquaza in the hidden tower, and Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina in the Shinto ruins.

you forgot about the most odvious. HO-OH! you can also find lugia,and groudon.

Can't find Groudon (only Soul Silver)
On Pokemon Heart Gold you can catch entei raikou suicune lugia ho-oh notched eared pichu its not really a legendary but it counts kyoger rayquaza
Ho-oH, legendary dogs & birds, Mewtwo, Rayquaza (if you get both Kyogre and Groudon first), Latias, and Kyogre. And all of the events guys. U need an arceus for palikia, giritina, and dialga
Non Event or Special: 11












Special: 2

Rayquaza: trade for Kyogre and show to Professor Oak.

Dialga/Palkia/Giratina: trade for Arceus and show to man at Ruins of Alph. You can choose one of the three legends.

Event: 9 (all of the world)









You can get Entei,Rakiou and Sucine if you go to the burned tower and do not worry if they run away,because if you see them on the pokegear, then go to that route and one of them is there. Warning they run away all the time.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

roukou, suicune, entia, ho-oh, lugia, raqauza, kyogre, zapdos, moltres, articono, latias and mewtwo. and I think theres more.

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