birds, rabbits, sheep, squirrel, fish, dragon
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern F-O-F-E. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter F and 3rd letter O and 5th letter F and 7th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are: feoffee
A five letter word, second letter F is after or often.
Some four letter words with the first letter f are:facefadefailfairfallfamefarmfastfearfeedfeelfeetfestfilefillfilmfinefirefirmfishfistflapflatflewflitflipflitflopfluefoalfoamfoldfolkfoodfoolfootforkformfortfourfrayfreefretfromfuelfullfumefuryfussfuzz
It is not a polygon, because a polygon is a closed figure.
The block letter "f" is a polygon known as a quadrilateral. Specifically, it is a type of quadrilateral called a trapezoid, which has one pair of parallel sides. In the case of the block letter "f," the top and bottom lines are parallel, while the vertical lines are not. Therefore, the block letter "f" can be classified as a trapezoid within the category of quadrilaterals.
Only one polygon has a name starting with the letter "a". It is called the "Apeirogon", and it is a polygon with infinite sides.
It is not a polygon
It is a convex polygon.
An irregular polygon
inscribed polygon
A regular polygon.
right (90˚) and 180˚ angles
It is a concave or reentrant polygon.
No. If your finding the area of a polygon, it depends on which kind.
what is 12 different kind of polygon