The kind of games that Aztec played was Ulama and patolli. Ulama was the popular game in Aztec. Ulama was played by three (3) or more people. How to play ulama is very dangerous. People would wear shields on their arms, stomach, and legs. The people had to score goals by hitting the solid, hard, rock into a hole that's hanged at the side of the wall. You weren't allowed to use your hands, head, or feet. Sometimes when someone wins, they would have to do a sacrifice.
ok, the aztecs people play a rubber ball
ummm......theres different kinds of games.......
What are games and crafts for the bella coola
It would depend on what kind of games you play.
From superandy332 TRy playing Chinese checkers its also a kind of fun game
The Aztecs had rules like we have today .
ok, the aztecs people play a rubber ball
Yes, the game Tlachtli was played with a rubber ball.
Depend on what kind of games you play. You think when you play strategy games.
lots of board games
they played Video Games
Adventurous games
The Aztecs lived in central Mexico.
You need a PS2 to play the games not a PC
they did not play games
they play soccor and other games like our in the U.S