From superandy332
TRy playing Chinese checkers its also a kind of fun game
Honestly Zelda is kind of in a category entirely of it's own there are not many games like Zelda out there
some video games like if there all bloody and stuff if i were a goth i would like games like resident evil What kind of question is that. I guess I am a bit goth and I LOVE video games!!!!!!
Are you some kind of hacker? Pay for you're games like the rest of us!
That is a question of opinion. If you want to know what people who live near you think about video games, ask them. video games are a good way for people with uselless lifes to brake away from the chains of every day life and do some thing fun for a change (like fight a dragon for on reason). just kidding! not everyone how playes video games are losers. just a hefty majority. (like me!) well yeah video games are fun for most people but it depends on the kind of games you play. not all game are the same.
about 96% of the world
many people like to play games or video games, fly kites, listen to music and play outside.
they are wider and much more squented than normal board games. they are kind of slanted.
people who dont like video games
i like to move it move it
Is same like us to when people help you or do something kind to you you must thank you.Now you know =)
People in China invented a lot of board games. The most popular one today is Go. People were playing Go in China as early as 2000 BC. Othello is a simple version of Go. By medieval times, rich people played Go, while poor people played Chinese chess, which is more like the modern American game of chess. It is possible that Chinese chess was the earliest chess game; people were playing it by the 400's BC.
Black people eat whatever they like. Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Fusion, Soul Food, etc. What kind of ridiculous question is this?
like chinese people
He likes many different Chinese dishes.
They like the game of LIFE because they cant fail at it. They also like dominoes.
yes Chinese people read just like us if they know englishleft to right.
what is Chinese climate like?how does Chinese climate and geography help people decide where to live in china