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Q: What is the walk through walls cheat for soul silver?
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Can you get a walk through walls cheat for soul silver on your action replay?


How do you walk threw anything in Pokemon soul silver with an action reply?

you need the walk through walls cheat

Where do you get mew in Pokemon Soul Silver?

Through an action replay cheat system.

How do you walk through walls on soul silver?

with an action replay DSi

Is there a glitch in Soul Silver to walk through walls?

yes there is you need action replay

How do you get raqyaza in soul silver?

u cant get raqyaza in soul silver without cheat codes.

How do you find Arces on soul silver?

you have to 1 cheat to get it and that is it.

Where is the mystery zone in P okemon Soul silver?

That's the place where the programmers didn't want you to go. For some reason it has background music and is named mystery zone. It is when you have the walk through walls cheat and wander too far.

How do you walk through walls in Pokemon soul silver without action replay?

I don't think you can... At least you shouldn't be able to that is.

What is the Pokemon soul silver catch any Pokemon cheat?

yeah i did a cheat of garitina

Can you catch Darkrai in soul silver?

no you can trade it with somebody or you can cheat

Is there a action reply cheat to get mew in soul silver?
