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There is no way to cheat at voltorb flip on Pokemon soul silver that I can see.

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Q: How can you cheat at voltorb flip on Pokemon SoulSilver?
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Can you cheat in voltorb flip in Pokemon heart gold?

If you are struggling then this is for you: If there is in one row 0 voltorbs then just click all that row but if there is one voltorb then you have to be careful you have to match the bottom row and the right row well to win this game However, there is no actual way to cheat in the Voltorb Flip.

Can you get coins besides playing the voltorb flip game in Pokemon Heart Gold in the Goldenrod City Game Corner?

No, as far to my knowledge (which is rather extensive), the only way to get coins is to play the voltorb flip game in either Johto or Kanto.

How do you win the lottery corner in Pokemon soul silver?

Unfortunately, very slowly. You must uncover all the x2 and x3 cards without flipping a Voltorb. (GRR!) READ THE HINT! My strategy? See the numbers on the side? It tells you how many points are hidden in the row, and also how many Voltorb. If it says, "2 points/3 Voltorb" Mark the cards in that row with 1 and Voltorb. I keep reminding myself that if the points and the number of voltorb add up to five, then the row is USELESS!! 1 does not up the number of coins you receive, so trying to get 1 is somewhat stupid if there's a Voltorb hidden in that row. IF IT SAYS ZERO VOLTORB THEN JUST FLIP ALL THE PANELS IN THAT ROW. However (Uh oh) I think you may get a bonus if you flip all the numbers without hitting a voltorb. (I haven't done it yet, but go ahead and try.) Also, I'm pretty sure that there's a AR code SOMEWHERE on the 'net that gives you tonsa coins! (FYI, this is the Card Game at the Game Corner)

Is Porygon rare?

h No, you can trade in the points you get from Voltorb Flip to buy it in Celadon Game Corner. It costs 9,999 points

Where do you catch ekans in pokemon heartgold?

I think you can find them route 004-006(thats how it was in gold,silver,and Soulsilver) (head east till you reach were you will see the wiggly tree(Sudowoodo)and then head south after you beat falkners gym) Wild Ekans can only be found in SS. To get it in HG you must trade, use the new safari zone, or play that stupid voltorb flip game in the Goldenrod game corner.

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Where is Porygon in pokemon soulsilver?

You need 9999 coins in the Voltorb flip game in the game corner in the Kanto region.

Can you cheat in voltorb flip in Pokemon heart gold?

If you are struggling then this is for you: If there is in one row 0 voltorbs then just click all that row but if there is one voltorb then you have to be careful you have to match the bottom row and the right row well to win this game However, there is no actual way to cheat in the Voltorb Flip.

Do you have to play voltorb flip to earn coins Pokemon soul silver?


Where is voltorb flip?

its above the Pokemon center in the goldenrod city game corner

Can you get coins besides playing the voltorb flip game in Pokemon Heart Gold in the Goldenrod City Game Corner?

No, as far to my knowledge (which is rather extensive), the only way to get coins is to play the voltorb flip game in either Johto or Kanto.

Where do you find Porygon in Pokemon SoulSilver?

you cant find porygon so you have to earn it by spending 999999 coins from the game corner in celadon city.You can buy Porygon at the Celadon Game Corner. It is the most expensive Pokemon (I can't remember how expensive!)Porygon can be bought from the Celadon Game Corner for 9,999 coins. Coins can be obtained in SoulSilver (As well as HeartGold.) by playing the minigame, "Voltorb Flip."

Is there anybody that has a porygon2 to battle with in Pokemon heartgold?

no you have to trade one from a different game or buy one for 9,999 coins At the voltorb flip game and evolve it

Where can you find a Porygon in HeartGold?

Buy from voltorb flip coins

Is there a place to buy Pokemon in Pokemon HeartGold?

You can buy Pokemon, though not with the money you buy stuff like potions with. In Goldenrod city and Celadon city there is a game corner, you play a coin game called Voltorb Flip and earn coins. You can buy Pokemon with the coins too. In Goldenrod, you can buy an Abra (200 coins), an Ekans [HeartGold] or a Sandshrew [SoulSilver] (700 coins) and a Dratini (2100 coins). At Celadon, you can buy a Mr. Mime (3333 coins), an Eevee (6666 coins) and a Porygon (9999 coins).

How do you win the lottery corner in Pokemon soul silver?

Unfortunately, very slowly. You must uncover all the x2 and x3 cards without flipping a Voltorb. (GRR!) READ THE HINT! My strategy? See the numbers on the side? It tells you how many points are hidden in the row, and also how many Voltorb. If it says, "2 points/3 Voltorb" Mark the cards in that row with 1 and Voltorb. I keep reminding myself that if the points and the number of voltorb add up to five, then the row is USELESS!! 1 does not up the number of coins you receive, so trying to get 1 is somewhat stupid if there's a Voltorb hidden in that row. IF IT SAYS ZERO VOLTORB THEN JUST FLIP ALL THE PANELS IN THAT ROW. However (Uh oh) I think you may get a bonus if you flip all the numbers without hitting a voltorb. (I haven't done it yet, but go ahead and try.) Also, I'm pretty sure that there's a AR code SOMEWHERE on the 'net that gives you tonsa coins! (FYI, this is the Card Game at the Game Corner)

Is Porygon rare?

h No, you can trade in the points you get from Voltorb Flip to buy it in Celadon Game Corner. It costs 9,999 points

Where do you catch ekans in pokemon heartgold?

I think you can find them route 004-006(thats how it was in gold,silver,and Soulsilver) (head east till you reach were you will see the wiggly tree(Sudowoodo)and then head south after you beat falkners gym) Wild Ekans can only be found in SS. To get it in HG you must trade, use the new safari zone, or play that stupid voltorb flip game in the Goldenrod game corner.