my opinion is it only works in the original gold version,not heart gold and soul silver it works on silver but not soul silver.
You can not unless you use third party modifiers like an Action can get it if you have a pokewalker and translate a pokemon into it and when its saving you turn the game off and there you have two pokemon
how does cloning work
do what is the walkthrough walls action replay code for Pokemon heartgold.
You can not unless you use third party modifiers like an Action can get it if you have a pokewalker and translate a pokemon into it and when its saving you turn the game off and there you have two pokemon
i did not know there was that cheat but right now im frustrated over the Pokemon Pokemon cloning cheat. it work for me!
Delete EVERYTHING from your bag , then use cheat. [cannot work if you have all16 gym badges]
how does cloning work
There is the gts cheat and the AR cheat, but i think the gts cheat can get you kicked off of Nintendo wfc.
You can't :'(...Tried as I have to locate a Ruby cloning cheat, all I have found is useless, fake codes and the Emerald cloning cheat. Sorry :(
There is no cloning cheat in ruby or sapphire.
You have to look above the comment and look for Ads by Google. Next to it should say 'Pokemon Game Cheat' and that will work.
You cannot cheat in the Pokemon HeartGold or SoulSilver lottery.
train or cheat