

Best Answer

There is no specific team that is the most ultimate, but there are several combination's of Pokemon that makes a team unbeatable. Decide for yourself on what Pokemon you want and train them to be unbeatable.

Id say that i have a ultimate team that is good against every type (Defense+Attack)

but i wont tell you, or you will use it yourself.

Work it out instead of asking other people who have worked ages on it and wont just give it away

Those guys are mean ^ ^ Here's my ultimate team for you:





There ya go! Those guys are pure win!

I could beat that team easily even if your rattata has a focus band/sash and knows quick attack and endeavor.If i made a team of fighting types it would be even easier because your team is made of normal types ;)

this is my team:







If you think you can beat my team (Magmortar Machamp Blissey Azelf Cloyster Dusknoir)

this is my friend code:

4383 5233 1954- my friend code has changed, and so has my team :( sorry.

my new friend code is 5457 3585 8468 it's because i started again but all my Pokemon are still lv100, so i will still happily battle and crush you ;) heheh

please put your friend code underneath this message, so we can battle.

Bring it on mine is 0045 6848 7328

add your name to need that

my name is zero and my code is 5414 4886 7262

the best Pokemon team all have the same attacks blast burn hydro cannon frenzy plant and conservation. they also have the ability wonder guard i haven't lost a single battle.

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Q: What is the ultimate Pokemon team?
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after pitfall valley i think.

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You use action replay to get a code for 999 rare candies. It will let you have the ultimate Pokemon team

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Yes, there will be ultimate team on the ps4. However it will not branch in with the ultimate team on the ps3.

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The best team is one that has many types. Spiritomb and a dragon type Pokemon are almost certainly needed, as well as a strong water Pokemon like Milotic. The rest is up to your discretion. Without legendaries, there really are no ultimate Pokemon.

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click on the ultimate team option