go to valencia in battleontown and click special code, then type thirteen1
it is 2008459786
its oicu812 skullwrtiath for ten gold
No such code exists, and never will.
oicu812 = Skullwraith thirteen1 = Badger Helm dragonkhan823480 = Dragonkhan sword
go to valencia in battleontown and click special code, then type thirteen1
it is ouci812 for valencia
you go to valencia in battleon special codes and type oicu812
If you the code oicu812 a sword called skullwraith will come out
the code 4 valencia that you can unlock is ..................toga.......the Greece costume..the code is...mpqg28s
it is 2008459786
thirteen1 and oicu689
oicu812 and thriteen1
Thireteen1 is my best bet.
The two for the special beckett code is oicu812 and thirteen1.
oicu812 thirteen1 dragonkhan8234280
oicu812 thirteen1 dragonkhan8234280