go to valencia in battleontown and click special code, then type thirteen1
oicu812 = Skullwraith thirteen1 = Badger Helm dragonkhan823480 = Dragonkhan sword
thirteen1 is the only other code besides oicu812. thirteen1 unlocks the badger helm and it is pretty pimp.
thirteen1 code then you can have thirteen1 badger helm visit valencia and evan better oicu812 for awsome sword that costs 3 gold
You can get the tyrant blade from Thax Ironhide in the marsh just type in /join marsh2 and go to the secret passage then to Thrax's lair Once you kill him he can drop the tyrant blade, orc blade, axe dagger, and thrax warlord helm
no such thing as cheats on aqw but there are hacks
oicu812 = Skullwraith thirteen1 = Badger Helm dragonkhan823480 = Dragonkhan sword
thirteen1 is the only other code besides oicu812. thirteen1 unlocks the badger helm and it is pretty pimp.
prismatic magi helm
Relog , or your Show helm is turned off.
The Cloister in Arcangrove, or the Arconent Helm in the Giant Location.
You can talk to Valencia in the BattleOn town square and type in a code to unlock different items. Type: dragonkhan8234820 to get a weapon called Dragon Khan Blade. Type: Thirteen1 to get a badger helm. Type: Oicu812 to get a weapon called Skullwraith.
oicu812 is skullwraith sword thirteen1 is the badger helm
oicu812 - to open a shop thirteen1 - to have thirteen 1 badger helm
i would choose either any dage helm or lich crown from lich of the stone
No, it doesn't . However, it DOES drop its scythe and its helm witch i forgot
1 code is thirteen1 to get the badger helm