A little square in the wall, look on certain routes to find these.
Get the TM secret power teach it to a Pokemon then find either a tree with vines, an indent in the wall or a big bush use secret power on these to create your own secret base.
Those are secret bases to create one use the move secret power.
First you take a 100 level Pokemon make it have sex with Picachu. If that does not work go F*** yourself.
stand in front and use the wailmer pail at it,it wall say:the tree does not like the wailmer pail!the tree attacked!
Rock Climb isn't a move in the game. It wasn't introduced until the 4th generation games (Diamond/Pearl/Platinum).
Get the TM secret power teach it to a Pokemon then find either a tree with vines, an indent in the wall or a big bush use secret power on these to create your own secret base.
Secret power is a move that you can use in and outside battle. You can use secret power to create bases in a indent in a wall a big bush or a big tree. You can also use it to attack Pokemon in battle.
Those are secret bases to create one use the move secret power.
rock climb
sceptile or a blaizeiken or a swampert
First you take a 100 level Pokemon make it have sex with Picachu. If that does not work go F*** yourself.
you can catch it at the Safari Zone use a Mach Bike to go up to the mud wall
he will see the mirage island only if you bring the Pokemon he's thinking of
Well first you need the tm secret power. You can get decorations from the shipyard market place in stateport city once you have this. Teach secret power to a pokemon and use it on an indent in a wall or a tree or a bush that you can use secret power on. Then go inside and go on the pc thats in there. Go to decorate and press on one of your decorations and then place it where you want(: hope this helps.
Those are secret bases. Just like those big trees. You need Secret Power to activate it though.
it is in stark mountain but where it is i don't know. hope this helped The Flame Plate is on a some-what bridge looking place on the far left side inside the second room of Stark Mountain. When on this bridge, you will find an indent in the wall. Click on the indent and claim your Flame Plate.