Get the TM secret power teach it to a Pokemon then find either a tree with vines, an indent in the wall or a big bush use secret power on these to create your own secret base.
Stand at the front of the clump of grass and press A but you must have a Pokemon with you that knows the move secret power and it should ask you if you want to create a secret base there. Hope it helps :)
first you need a underground kit from eterna city and do some kind of tests until you get to the test where you can make your secret base.
Say Pokemon (nomekop) backwards. That's NOT right, use the website: Fill your own game ID (of Emerald of course) and what kind of sort box wallpaper you want and then click on ''Generate Secret Word.'' And you have the secret word* *You can get more box wallpapers from him
By getting an Editor for Pokemon Emerald that allows you to modify the sprites...
Not possible.
on sapphire/emerald this one boy gives you the move secret power. use it to make a secret base!
for your secret base you can make one by getting the TM secret power you can buy it in slateport city outside market
The TM43(Secret Power) is needed to make a secret base/hideout. You can use this on special trees, indents in caves, and bushes.
You cannot make a secret base in Pokemon soul silver.
You cannot make a secret base in Pokemon soul silver.
you need a Pokemon that knows secret power use that move to make your secret base
to make a secret base in certain trees bushes or indents in rock
You can teach a Pokemon 'Secret Power' and make a secret base. Pimp it out to make it homely.
In the Pokemon games for GBA, you use this move to make a secret base.
Those are places you can make your secret base in how to do that you say use secret power on the indents to make a hole appear now you can create your own secret base.
No but you can move it. ----
Traveling north on route 111 (north of the desert), you should see a boy (man?) looking at a tree. He will give you the TM for Secret Power. Give secert power to a pokemon and now you should be able to make secret bases! Now simply look at any large tree, bush, or cracked wall and use secret power! And there you have it. Your own secret base.