Stand at the front of the clump of grass and press A but you must have a Pokemon with you that knows the move secret power and it should ask you if you want to create a secret base there.
Hope it helps :)
firstly use cut then by using secret power (its a TM)
By moving clumps of grass in pokemon emerald.
Treecko, Tropius, Seedot, Oddish.
Just about every base has clumps and rocks. However, there is a tree on a floating island near Mauville with a sign about team aqua and magma. There aren't any clumps, but it is divided into 2 seperate rooms. In the Emerald Version, there are 3 clumps, just before where you need the boards. Can the boards cover up the clumps as well as the holes? If not, can you put any decorations on the clumps and rocks? Or how can you get rid of them in Emerald version? Thank you for your help.
Use the move cut to remove them, but not all things can be removed such as trees, boulders and fences. And not houses of course
firstly use cut then by using secret power (its a TM)
By moving clumps of grass in pokemon emerald.
Nuzleaf into Shiftry
Almost everywhere in the grass, especially the long grass.
use dive go in the deep sea grass he will be in the grass
Treecko, Tropius, Seedot, Oddish.
Saffari zone (1st thing of grass)
the grass type gym
Treeko is a grass starter Pokemon in Pokemon versios. Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. GBA
Just about every base has clumps and rocks. However, there is a tree on a floating island near Mauville with a sign about team aqua and magma. There aren't any clumps, but it is divided into 2 seperate rooms. In the Emerald Version, there are 3 clumps, just before where you need the boards. Can the boards cover up the clumps as well as the holes? If not, can you put any decorations on the clumps and rocks? Or how can you get rid of them in Emerald version? Thank you for your help.
Rock,and Water dont like grass
At the first pile of grass you see