the first time you go to the temple symbol door the crest is an hourglass, the second time it is the tri-force triangle,
picture of tri-force triangle here:
In the last boss, the crest is an hourglass. But, if you mean the other crest, it's the Triforce.
If you meant on Phantom Hourglass, you close your DS. I knew how to do that when I was 7.
The triforce.
First click the statue. Next open the southwest sea chart. Then simply comes the DS and the crest is tranfered to your map. Make sure u get the salvage crane cause the crest will lead u in the middle of the ocean. Use the crane to pick up the chest.
The "sacred crest" of the Cobble Kingdom happens to look like a penant of sorts, or a flag. Like so: ----------- | | | | | / \ | | / \ | |/ \| It can be figured out manually by following instructions found within the maze on the Isle of Ruins, in it's southwestern quarter. Just follow the stone tablets that you'll find there, and pay attention to the number of stars & directions shown on each tablet! The stars are that tablets placement in the sequence (there are five of them). Hope that helps.
The sacred crest is the triforce symbol.
Go to the area on the map where you transferred the crest.
the second crest is the tiforce if your asking about phantom hourglass
which crest if you mean the triforce or hourglass, you have to draw it on the door, if you mean the sacred crest, it is past the first red door, the one you draw the hourglass
No there is not a third crest in phantom hourglass.
It is a hourglass the first time then it is the triforce.
all you do is close your ds and open it again
There's probably one on youtube.
The sacred crest that you draw on the red door is an hourglass the first time and the second time is the triforce but the triforce must be drawn in a special way.
a good question i know theres a hourglass and the triforce but zauz says i need two signs to get two sea charts!
im not sure