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In the last boss, the crest is an hourglass. But, if you mean the other crest, it's the Triforce.

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Q: The last sacred crest in Zelda ds?
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On legend of Zelda phantom hourglass how do you press the sacred crest against the sea chart to transfer it?

all you do is close your ds and open it again

How do you transfer the sacred crest?

Close your DS and open it

How do you copy down crest on map in Zelda?

close ur ds and it will transfer

How do you move the crest in Zelda phatom hourglass?

Pull up the correct map and close the ds. When you open it the crest will be moved.

How do you draw the sacred crest on Zelda phantom hour glass?

Drawing the sacred crest on Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass is rather simple. First draw a large triangle but stop midway through one of the sides then draw the inner triangle. Drawing the inner triangle should join your stylus back with the unfinished triangle side which you can now finish. For reference the scared crest is the same shape as the Triforce.

In Zelda how can you press the sacred crest against the sea chart to transfer it?

Simple close your d.s. For like three seconds and there you go

What is the sacred crest of the ds game Zelda phantom hourglass?

the first time you go to the temple symbol door the crest is an hourglass, the second time it is the tri-force triangle, picture of tri-force triangle here:

How do you draw sacred creast on Zelda phantom?

you need to draw it without taking your stylus off the ds

How do you have to do to align the southwestern sea and the crest on Zelda phantoms hourglass?

close your ds and reopen it (I know it sounds weird but try it)

How do you press the sacred crest against the sea chart to transfer it?

If you meant on Phantom Hourglass, you close your DS. I knew how to do that when I was 7.