As far as I know, the RageCandyBar does nothing in particular. However, it allows you to pass through Mahogany Town.
After the Pokemon league go back to the desert resort where the statues of the Pokemon are and profeser elm will give you a ragecandybar to wake up the statue Pokemon
The Ragecandybar is not obtainable in FireRed and LeafGreen.
Ok had to think for a sec. There's this guy in the Underground of the two. After you get the electricity back on go through the underground paths and talk to this bald guy. Make sure you have a RageCandyBar from Mahogany. He gives you explosion for it. Pretty sure its the Celadon Underground Path.
catch entei and raikou
You can use the RageCandyBar in the Desert Resortto awaken Darmanitan in Pokemon Black and White.
you give the guy the ragecandybar for a rare candy i think
The RageCandyBar serves no real purpose in the game. However, later on in the game, someone will trade you a certain TM for it. In the Kanto region the only person in the underground tunnel will give you the explosion TM for the RageCandyBar.
after meeting lance and defeating team rocket and the red gyarados
This should help... TM 64 (Explosion) - Buy Ragecandybar at Mahogany, exchange with guy in underground path between Cerulean and Vermillion
After beating the elite four and going to kanto, there will be underground pathways. In one of them a disgruntled man will be angry and you bust out your ragecandybar. You give it to him and he gives you an hm.
you dont its just a collectible item
After the Pokemon league go back to the desert resort where the statues of the Pokemon are and profeser elm will give you a ragecandybar to wake up the statue Pokemon
nothin its a waste# :P
you get it in the candy shop in the biggest city.
He is at the end of mahogany town in johto
you give it to the person in goldenrod tunnel
You to kanto and someone there will give you a special something for it