After the Pokemon league go back to the desert resort where the statues of the Pokemon are and profeser elm will give you a ragecandybar to wake up the statue Pokemon
You can use the RageCandyBar in the Desert Resortto awaken Darmanitan in Pokemon Black and White.
The Ragecandybar is not obtainable in FireRed and LeafGreen.
As far as I know, the RageCandyBar does nothing in particular. However, it allows you to pass through Mahogany Town.
So far as I have seen it does not do anything.But after you buy it he still wont let you go past him,until you have the other seven badges.To get to Blackthorn city.
you dont you go up to route 43 i think it is and then to the lake of rage. go north from mahogany town to the building and go out of it north.
you get it in the candy shop in the biggest city.
You can use the RageCandyBar in the Desert Resortto awaken Darmanitan in Pokemon Black and White.
Desert Resort after you beat the game, Icirrus City (in the winter) and Castelia City royal unova gift
Evolve Darumaka or go to the relic castle to some weird statues that are blue and give it a Ragecandybar.
nothin its a waste# :P
you give it to the person in goldenrod tunnel
You to kanto and someone there will give you a special something for it
The Ragecandybar is not obtainable in FireRed and LeafGreen.
The RageCandyBar serves no real purpose in the game. However, later on in the game, someone will trade you a certain TM for it. In the Kanto region the only person in the underground tunnel will give you the explosion TM for the RageCandyBar.
If you meant ragecandybar, I know where to find two. After making it up to a certain point in your game, Professer Juniper will give you a ragecandybar at the entrance of the relic castle {at the desert resort}.Next, you will wait until winter then head to iccirus city. It will be covered in snow. At the south of the city, you will see a small house.Enter the house and a woman inside will give you another ragecandybar.
you can either: A: evolve darumaka at lvl 35 B: expose a ragecandybar to one of the statues outside of the relic castle to get a special darmantian with the ability zen mode.
after meeting lance and defeating team rocket and the red gyarados