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"Be vewy vewy quiet, I'm hunting wabbits" .

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Q: What is the quote that Elmer Fudd always says?
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Which cartoon character says Be ve-wry be-wry quite I'm hunting wabbit?

Elmer Fudd said that.

Which cartoon character says 'eureka gold at last'?

Elmer Fudd

Which cartoon character says Be ve wry be wry quite you are hunting wabbit?

Elmer Fudd .

Who says very interesting in the Bugs Bunny cartoons?

I think you are referring to Elmer Fudd, the Hunter.

Name something Bugs Bunny does in all of his cartoons?

Bugs Bunny does several things on a regular basis. The ongoing plot in many of his cartoons is his rivalry with his enemy Elmer Fudd. He always tricks or outsmarts Elmer, and of course, he always eats carrots.

What is the difference between Elmer's gel glue sticks and Elmer's school glue sticks?

Elmer's says the gel is a much tougher glue.

Is it ok to say 'like he always says'?

Yes, "like he always says" is a common phrase used to indicate that someone frequently makes a particular statement or has a consistent way of expressing themselves. It is often used to introduce a quote or paraphrase.

In what movie is the quote he's covered in blood again Why is he always covered in blood?

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I think that Ginny Weasley says it.

Why does elmer fud have troubles with his r's?

yes he does that's why he says "wabbits" instead of saying "rabbits"

Is elmer glue made of horse?

No, Elmer's does not use animals or animal parts to make glue. This is what the company says but they could be covering up their mass murder of horses!!!! save the horse dont make glue out of them!

How do you say a quote that says do not come to strangers houses?

Not quite clear why you ask for 'a quote that says', but'Do not come to strangers' houses' = 'No ven a las casas de extranjeros'

Do you say the quote reads or says?

Both "reads" and "says" can be used interchangeably when referring to a quote. It's just a matter of personal preference or style.