In Pokemon ruby you can catch latios but not latias, in Pokemon sapphire you can catch latias not latios, in emerald you can choose. Use your master balls on them so they wont fly away. You can use other types of balls, eg timer ball, ultra ball, or great ball on the other legendaries.
How do you catch latios in Pokemon sapphire
Master Ball which you can get at the (Team Magma or Team Aqua) hideout
you have to weaken it to like no life and then you have to paralyze it and use ultra balls
discover latios around the hoenn region then use mean look or block to prevent in from fleeing. you will probabley find latios next to fortree city. [you have to beat the elite four to find latios]
the way you catch azelf mesprit and uxie.
How do you catch latios in Pokemon sapphire
No...unless you defeated the Latios...
no you can not you have to trade for Latios
yes unless you have a master ball latios is hard to catch
Uhh... everyone who could catch LATIOS.
catch a high level larvitar lol
You can't possibly catch latios in Pokemon diamond although you may get it there by using your ruby version if you have one to import it to your diamond. another way is to buy an action replay and cheat
Latios is only in SoulSilver. You'll have to trade
Master Ball which you can get at the (Team Magma or Team Aqua) hideout
you can't, but you can catch latios in ss and latias in hg hg(Heartgold) ss(Soulsilver)
the easiest way to catch latios is to have a wobbufet when you battle it so it doesn't run away. If you don't have a master ball then i would suggest that you make it fall asleep or any of the other causes and then use a ultra ball until you catch it P.S: I would have like at least 30ultraballs.