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Master Ball which you can get at the (Team Magma or Team Aqua) hideout

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Q: Easiest way to catch latios
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What is the easiest way to catch Latios?

the easiest way to catch latios is to have a wobbufet when you battle it so it doesn't run away. If you don't have a master ball then i would suggest that you make it fall asleep or any of the other causes and then use a ultra ball until you catch it P.S: I would have like at least 30ultraballs.

Were do you catch latios in soulsilver?

the way you catch azelf mesprit and uxie.

Is the master ball for latios?

It can be if you want it to or you can use it on rayquaza, the easiest way to catch latios or latias without using the masterball is by having a Pokemon that has the abilites: Arena Trap, Shadow Tag and having the Pokemon be sent out first then weaken latios/latias then throw many ultra balls.

What is the easiest way to catch latios in emerald?

Masterball. Masterball can be obtained from Team Aqua base. If you already used that one then another masterball can be obtained from matching the lottery in Lilycove Department Store. If you can't get a masterball then the easiest way is to catch Suduwoodo and then give it Quick Claw, then find Latios use the move 'Block' and then keep using Ultra Balls. Good luck. If you need help, contact me on:

How do you catch latios in sapphire?

How do you catch latios in Pokemon sapphire

If you catch Rayquaza before you try to catch latios on Pokemon ruby do you miss the chance to catch latios?

No...unless you defeated the Latios...

How do you catch latios in Pokemon pearl?

no you can not you have to trade for Latios

What is the easiest way to catch latios in Pokemon ruby?

If you have a master ball use it when you see him. Another way to catch it is if you use mean look on him. It will prevent him from scaping. Just be careful not to faint him because he is lv 35. And if you faint him just turn off the game and try it again. Hope this helps! :)

Is latios hard to catch in battle?

yes unless you have a master ball latios is hard to catch

Easiest to get latios in Pokemon Emerald?

If you have already beaten the elite four and have Latios or Latias already roming around in emerald then you can chase it down till you are in the same vicinity as it and go into the grass to see it appear. toss a master ball at it and you will have the latios or latias. Of course it's best that you clone the master ball first so that you can catch the other one the same way.

Who wanted latios?

Uhh... everyone who could catch LATIOS.

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