Well Lv. Stands for the number of level they are so My Blazekin is Lv. 72 so it means that that is his age of level
The first of the Elite Four, Sidney, has the following Pokémon:Mightyena Lv. 46Absol Lv. 49Shiftry Lv. 48Cacturne Lv. 46Crawdaunt Lv. 48The second of the Elite Four, Phoebe, has the following Pokémon:Dusclops Lv. 48Another Dusclops, except Lv. 51 this timeBanette Lv. 49Sableye Lv. 50Banette Lv. 49The third of the Elite Four, Glacia, has the following Pokémon:Sealeo Lv. 50Another Sealeo, Lv. 52Walrein Lv. 53Glalie Lv. 50Another Glalie, Lv. 52Last but not least of the Elite Four, Drake, has the following Pokémon:Shelgon Lv. 52Flygon Lv. 53Altaria Lv. 54Salamence Lv. 55Kingdra Lv. 53The Champion, Wallace, has the following Pokémon:Wailord Lv. 57Milotic Lv. 58Tentacruel Lv. 55Ludicolo Lv. 56Gyarados Lv. 56Whiscash Lv. 56Good luck on beating the Elite Four AND Wallace!!! ^-^
I've got the input codes here for the levels, Lv. 1: 12345 Lv. 2: 95046 Lv. 3: 45387 Lv. 4: 12375 Lv. 5: 95046 Lv. 6: 74158 Lv. 7: 75386 Lv. 8: 95124 Lv. 9: 74586 Lv. 10: 21437 Lv. 11: 84523 Lv. 12: 61242 Lv. 13: 74147 Lv. 14: 12321 Lv. 15: 15951 Lv. 16: 85456 Lv. 17: 36987 Lv. 18: 81374 Lv. 19: 13246 Lv. 20: 72548 Lv. 21: 2435£ Lv. 22: 235$5 Lv. 23: 243?3 Lv. 24: £%234 Lv. 25: 98!43 Lv. 26: 425$7 Lv. 27: 35bc% Lv. 28: 903£p Lv. 29: £!$xy Lv. 30: 09876
Sandshrew lv 33 Sandslash lv 45 Jigglypuff lv 33 Magnemite lv 49 Magneton lv 54 Voltorb lv 40 Electrode lv 46 Koffing lv 33 Staryu lv 37 Typhlosion lv 1 Pineco lv 42 Forretress lv 50 Hitmontop lv 42 Miltank lv 41 Bronzor lv 35 Bronzor lv 38 Magnezone lv 54 Lickilicky lv 57
Rollout is not a TM,its a move wo can learned by: Sandshrew at lv.21 Jigglypuff at lv.17 Geodude at lv. 22 Voltorb at lv. 15 Lickitung at lv.33 Omanyte at lv.16 Snorlax at lv.41 Typhlosion at lv.46 Marill at lv.15 Dunsparce at lv.17 Qwilfish at lv.17 Phanpy at lv.15 Miltank at lv.19 Wailmer at lv.11 Bidoof at lv.13 Munchlax at lv.41 Lickilicky at lv.33
Tickle, Barrier, Confusion, Copycat (Lv. 4), Meditate (Lv. 8), Encore (Lv. 11), Doubleslap (Lv. 15), Mimic (Lv 18), Light Screen (Lv. 22), Reflect (Lv. 22), Psybeam (Lv. 25), Substitute (Lv. 29), Recycle (Lv. 32), Trick (Lv. 36), Psychic (Lv. 39), Role Play (Lv. 43), Baton Pass (Lv. 46), and Safeguard (Lv. 50)
It is: LV = 55. However, if you ment IV, that would be 4
the roman numaral number for 55 is LV
The number 55 is written in roman numerals as LV.
The Roman numeral XXXII represents the number 32, while LV represents the number 55. When you add these together, you get 87, which would be represented in Roman numerals as LXXXVII.
The serial number that you find inside the LV bag has nothing to do about its Authenticity. The Serial Number tells where it was made from. Paris? Italy? That's a code for the sales associates who sell LV all over the world. I have LV that has no serial Number but it's a Genuine LV. I know so because I used to work for Givenchy/Louis Vuitton/ Moët Hennessy for 19 years. LV does not have a perfume named LV. Givenchy does which is being owned by the same Company. Guerlain, Fendi, Bvlgari, EnZO, Sephora and Benefits are under the same Company, also. But I think I am a little bit insane because I am looking for LV watch Replica while I have about 13 LV genuine watches. All my relatives think I own LV so they want LV for Xmas and since I used to work for them, they have no clue that their gifts are fake.
50,000,005 = (M)LV in Roman numerals because: (M)LV = 1,000,000*50+5 = 50,000,005
Elite Four 1 (Will): PsychicXatu lv. 40Jynx lv. 41Exeggutor lv. 41Slowbro lv. 41Xatu lv. 42Elite Four 2 (Koga): PoisonAriados lv. 40Venomoth lv. 41Forretress lv. 43Muk lv. 42Crobat Lv. 44Elite Four 3 (Bruno): fighting/RockHitmontop lv. 42Hitmonlee lv. 42Hitmonchan lv. 42Onyx lv. 43Machamp lv. 46Elite Four 4 (Karen): Dark/Ghost/GrassUmbreon lv. 42Vileplume lv. 42Gengar lv. 45Murkrow lv. 44Houndoom lv. 47Champion Lance: Dragon/FireGyarados lv. 44Dragonite Lv. 49Dragonite Lv. 49Aerodactyl lv. 48Charizard lv. 48Dragonite lv. 50SOURCE:http://www.serebii.net
First time gary(blue) has: Exeggutor lv.55, Machamp lv.56, Arcanine lv.58, Rhydon lv.58, Gyarados lv. 52, and Pidgeot lv.60 Rematch: Machamp lv.69, Arcanine lv.68, Exeggutor lv. 67, Rhyperior lv.70,Tyranitar lv.70, and Pidgeot lv.72 To rebattle him you must have his sister (Daisy) in Pallet Town massage one of your pokemon, of full happiness, 5 times. Then she will give you his phone number and you will register him in the pokegear. Call Gary(Blue) on Sunday nights and he will meet you at the Fighting Dojo in Saffron City for a battle.
There are a number of stores where one could purchase an LV wallet. Louis Vuitton wallets can be bought directly at the Louis Vuitton store online or from any of the international store locations.