Sandshrew lv 33
Sandslash lv 45
Jigglypuff lv 33
Magnemite lv 49
Magneton lv 54
Voltorb lv 40
Electrode lv 46
Koffing lv 33
Staryu lv 37
Typhlosion lv 1
Pineco lv 42
Forretress lv 50
Hitmontop lv 42
Miltank lv 41
Bronzor lv 35
Bronzor lv 38
Magnezone lv 54
Lickilicky lv 57
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He can definately learn iron tail and maybe gyro ball. Why? Just catch a steel type pokemon!
Iron Ball cuts the Pokemon's Speed by 50%, and allows Ground attacks to hit the pokemon if it has Levitate or is a Flying type. It's only really useful if you want your pokemon to be very slow, for example to power up Gyro ball.
Take it to the Move Tutor and use a Heart Scale.Gyro Ball is a really bad move on Typhlosion, though, because it's got decent Speed.
Lucian's Pokemon pre national pokedex Bronzong: psychic, Gyro ball, calm mind, Earthquake Lucian pokmeon post national pokedex Bronzong Lv 70 ( has the same moves)
You can only gain Gyro Ball by TM 74 or by going to Pokemon relearner.
Yes, Sandslash can learn Gyro Ball. However, that attack isn't available in Gen 3 games.
Check out the 'Gyro Ball' link on this page to learn about the physics of the Gyro Ball.
He can definately learn iron tail and maybe gyro ball. Why? Just catch a steel type pokemon!
The moves that Magnezone can learn via level up in Pokémon Platinum include ones such as Barrier, Tackle, Metal Sound, Mirror Coat, Sonicboom, Thunder Wave, Thundershock, Supersonic, Lock-on, Spark, Screech, Magnet Bomb, Discharge, Magnet Rise, Mirror Shot, Gyro Ball and Zap Cannon.
Most likely a fortress because it uses gyro ball and payback.
Iron Ball cuts the Pokemon's Speed by 50%, and allows Ground attacks to hit the pokemon if it has Levitate or is a Flying type. It's only really useful if you want your pokemon to be very slow, for example to power up Gyro ball.
I don't know where you can find gyroball, but you can but it next to the Veilstone game corner for 15000 coins.
Take it to the Move Tutor and use a Heart Scale.Gyro Ball is a really bad move on Typhlosion, though, because it's got decent Speed.
A gyro sensor is a device that measures the rate of rotation or angular velocity of an object in space. It is commonly used in navigation systems, drones, and smartphones to detect movement and orientation of the device. Gyro sensors help in stabilizing and controlling the movement of objects in various applications.
1st battle: Lake Valor Golbat, Lv 38 Toxic, Bite, Air Cutter, Supersonic Toxicroak, Lv 40 Revenge, Faint Attack, Mud Bomb, Poison Jab Bronzor, Lv 38 Iron Defense, Gyro Ball, Rock Tomb, Shadow Ball ================================================= 2nd battle: Team Galactic HQ Golbat, Lv 42 Bite, Poison Fang, Air Cutter, Confuse Ray Toxicroak, Lv 44 Brick Break, Faint Attack, X-Scissor, Poison Jab Bronzor, Lv 42 Extrasensory, Gyro Ball, Confuse Ray, Shadow Ball