

Best Answer

Rollout is not a TM,its a move wo can learned by: Sandshrew at lv.21 Jigglypuff at lv.17 Geodude at lv. 22 Voltorb at lv. 15 Lickitung at lv.33 Omanyte at lv.16 Snorlax at lv.41 Typhlosion at lv.46 Marill at lv.15 Dunsparce at lv.17 Qwilfish at lv.17 Phanpy at lv.15 Miltank at lv.19 Wailmer at lv.11 Bidoof at lv.13 Munchlax at lv.41 Lickilicky at lv.33

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Q: Where do you find the TM rollout on Pokemon platinum?
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How do you get rollout on Pokemon platinum?

You can't get it not unless you can find someone to give it to you on global tarde system, or you can find most rollouts on bidoofs but they learn it not have the tm.

Where do you get TM rollout in Pokemon FireRed?

Rollout is not one of the TMs in Pokemon FireRed or LeafGreen.

Where can you find the TM aura sphere in Pokemon Platinum?

Aura sphere isn't a TM in Pokemon platinum.

How do you get the TM roll out in Pokemon Black and White?

Rollout isn't a TM.

Where in Pokemon diamond is the TM Rollout?

rollout is not a TM. BIDOOF and GRAVELER learn it by level up (as well as a few others).

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There is no TM for Confuse Ray.

Where can you find the TM rollout in Pokemon soul silver?

32 bp from the move tutor of the battle frontier

How do you get likilicky in Pokemon pearl?

give it the TM rollout and it will evolves!!!!

Is flash a TM or Hm in Pokemon Platinum?

In Pokemon Platinum, Flash is a TM.

Can you find the TM finalblow up in platinum?

No, you can not find it in platinum. Moreover, I do not believe that TM EVER existed in any pokemon game though...........

How do you find TM thunder punch in Pokemon platinum?

there is no TM for thunderpunch but Pokemon like electivire or medicham can learn it.

Where can you get the the TM horn drill Pokemon Platinum?

horn drill is not a TM in Pokemon platinum.