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Her name is Amy Rose, and she used a magic thing to make herself older, and she's madly in love w/ Sonic, and she wanted to be a freedom fighter just to impress Sonic, and so Sonic would love her.

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Q: What is the name of the pink hedgehog in Sonic?
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Her name is Sonia and she is from Sonic Underground. Shes is a hedgehog with a pink and purple color scheme. Just google "Sonia- Sonic Underground"

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she is a pink hedgehog who has a crush on sonic.

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In the Sonic the Hedgehog comics, Sonic's birth name is Maurice Hedgehog. It was revealed in "Sonic the Hedgehog" issue #47.

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Sonic the Hedgehog got his name from his grandfathers ( Later on his name was changed to "sonic".)

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Sonic the Hedgehog is the name of the official characters and series whereas Sonic Boom the Hedgehog is most likely the name of a fan character.

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Sonic the hedgehog is, as his name suggests, a hedgehog.

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Sonic the Hedgehog.

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The name of the fast blue hedgehog is Sonic the Hedgehog.

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How does sonic love?

sonic loves because he is in love with the pink hedgehog he and her are boy friend and girl friend

Does big in Sonic the Hedgehog have a girlfriend?

Yes, Sonic the Hedgehog does have a girlfriend and her name is Sally Acorn.