I would say Pikachu obviously, and probably the starters from the first gen: Charmander, Bulbasaur and Squirtle. Also Meowth and maybe Jigglypuff.
The pokemon Mewtwo is so rare because, well, for one, he's a legendary pokemon, so there is only one. He is the most qwell- known legendary and has had the most hype about him, so everyone wants to catch him but there is supposedly only one, which makes him all the more rare.
There is no Known code for the Pokemon maker on gameshark sp the mostly hexidecimal format of that particular type of gameshark isn't compatible with most Pokemon maker code...AnswerThere is no Known code for the Pokemon maker on gameshark sp the mostly hexidecimal format of that particular type of gameshark isn't compatible with most Pokemon maker code...
There are several types that work well against Rock-Types. Water and Grass are the most commonly used against them, but Fighting pokemon, Ice and Steel works as well.
Well, You must have a pokemon from the opposite game, Say you have pokemon black, Youll need a pokemon from pokemon white (trade over) with the move known as Charge. So when you get any pokemon from the opposite game, that knows charge, is when you can activate it
Most Normal type pokemon can learn it considering its a Normal type move. Also Electric type pokemon can learn the move as well.
Juvenal is the most well known of the Roman satirists.Juvenal is the most well known of the Roman satirists.Juvenal is the most well known of the Roman satirists.Juvenal is the most well known of the Roman satirists.Juvenal is the most well known of the Roman satirists.Juvenal is the most well known of the Roman satirists.Juvenal is the most well known of the Roman satirists.Juvenal is the most well known of the Roman satirists.Juvenal is the most well known of the Roman satirists.
Arceus is the "God" pokemon that created the pokemon universe and fourth gen legendary pokemon, he can also become any pokemon type depending on what type of plate you make him hold. Bisharp is the most boss pokemon Pikachu is the most well known making it "boss" for fame
There are various side-quests in Pokemon Diamond. The most well known side quests is the Iron Island side-quest that gives you Riolu that evolves into Lucario. The other well known side-quest is the Stark Mountain side-quest for Heatran.
Well the legendary Pokemon is Dialga but most of the other Pokemon are the same.
Both "the most known" and "the most well known" are grammatically correct phrases. However, "the most well known" is more commonly used and often sounds more natural in context.
There are many opinions on who is the "most well known", but most people tend to agree that Micheal Jordan is pretty well known.
All three can be used as a spreadsheet. Excel is the most well known one.All three can be used as a spreadsheet. Excel is the most well known one.All three can be used as a spreadsheet. Excel is the most well known one.All three can be used as a spreadsheet. Excel is the most well known one.All three can be used as a spreadsheet. Excel is the most well known one.All three can be used as a spreadsheet. Excel is the most well known one.All three can be used as a spreadsheet. Excel is the most well known one.All three can be used as a spreadsheet. Excel is the most well known one.All three can be used as a spreadsheet. Excel is the most well known one.All three can be used as a spreadsheet. Excel is the most well known one.All three can be used as a spreadsheet. Excel is the most well known one.
shiny Pokemon are not found in specific places in the game they are a random occurance in which one out of every 8564 wild Pokemon you encounter will be shiny(or the color will be different) the most well known shiny Pokemon is the red gyrados which is the only shiny Pokemon that has a specific location
well the one i heard the most is the glitch to clone Pokemon and their held item in Pokemon emerald.
well...................I'm not sure, most Pokemon know how.....
It is most well-known for playing music in Catholic churches and Catherdrals