Most Normal type pokemon can learn it considering its a Normal type move. Also Electric type pokemon can learn the move as well.
use the move Flash (TM70)
one of professor oaks aides gives it to you
First you need the first badge then you need the HM Flash which is given by the oak aide on route 2 lastly go inside rock tunnel and choose the Pokemon that has flash then choose flash the cave will be lighted up more!
it's either cut or flash i cant remember
You need at least the first badge to use flash.
a city
use the move Flash (TM70)
in front of a cave not sure which 1 tho
other side of diglett tunnel
get the item flash
one of professor oaks aides gives it to you
First you need the first badge then you need the HM Flash which is given by the oak aide on route 2 lastly go inside rock tunnel and choose the Pokemon that has flash then choose flash the cave will be lighted up more!
it's either cut or flash i cant remember
you cant eon ticket has absolutely no use in pokemon firered.
You need at least the first badge to use flash.
use that gameshark user.
Hey I Used Pokemon Firered Codes just use Pokemon firered gameshark codes