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either Xbox 360 or the ps3

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Q: What is the most popular games console in Britain?
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Can you go online with the PlayStation 3?

Yes it is the most popular games console available.

What was the most popular game console in 1948?

there wasn't any games consoles made in 1948 or before that.

What is the most popular puzzle toy for a teenaged boy?

I would suggest a Nintendo DS with a game such as Brain Training. The console is around 100 pounds and the game around 30. Other games can be played on the console that are not puzzle games. Other puzzle games are available for the console.

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The most popular invention of 1994 was the PlayStation PSX. It played CD-ROM based games and became the best selling game console.

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The 3DS, with all its 3d picture-taking abilities, and games that come with just the console, is most definitely the most popular electronic toy for 2010.

What is the most popular games console in Australia?

xbox 360...but this isn't really to do with sports

Can you play an Xbox game on the Xbox 360 console?

If they were popular Xbox Orignal games then most likely you can play them on your xbox 360.

What is the most popular kind of game console?

The Wii

What DS video game was the most popular in 2012?

The most popular Nintendo DS video game was the Pokemon series, particularly Pokemon SoulSilver. This was on of the highest selling games all year on any console.

Which is the most popular NES system?

The most popular Nintendo console would be either the Wii or the Wii U. The Wii is currently the most successful console that Nintendo has released up to this point.

Is the Wii the best gaming console ever built?

No but it is the most popular unique fun and casual console. The best console is the PS3.

Who is the most popular girl group in Britain?

your momma is the most popular