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The Xbox 360 has almost 800 titles not with the Arcade and Windows Phone 7 titles.

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Q: Which game console has the most games?
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What is the most successful video game console?

Probably going to be the original Nintendo. I would say that is the PlayStation 2. It has the longest life of any console as they are still making games for it today. It has the most game titles available of any console. And it has sold the most games of any console to date.

A computer system designed to run games is called a?

It is called a game console.

What is the most popular puzzle toy for a teenaged boy?

I would suggest a Nintendo DS with a game such as Brain Training. The console is around 100 pounds and the game around 30. Other games can be played on the console that are not puzzle games. Other puzzle games are available for the console.

What game console has the most Star Wars games?

PC by far. PC by far.

What was the most popular game console in 1948?

there wasn't any games consoles made in 1948 or before that.

What game console has better games?

Depends what your into, if you like active move around games, it is definetly the Wii, Other than that if you are into better games the ps3, or if you want the console with the most games the 360 has the most as it is the oldest, but newer than the ps2 which has a library of over 2,500 games which beats the xbox 360.

Does PS2 games work on the PS3 game console?


Can you buy games for itek game console?

no icant

Can you play ps2 games on a psp console?

No a PSP is not even a console but a Portable game player

How is a game's console used by an Individual?

An individual uses a games console for entertainment purposes (to play on)

What is a Mobile computing device designed for single-player or multiplayer video games?

game console game console is an electronic device that outputs a video signal or image to display a video game that can be played with a game controller.

Can ps3 play XBOX games?

nope and xbox cant play ps3 games only the console can play games with the games with that console name at the top of the game cover