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game console

game console is an electronic device that outputs a video signal or image to display a video game that can be played with a game controller.

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Q: What is a Mobile computing device designed for single-player or multiplayer video games?
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Mobile computing device designed for single player or multiplayer video games?

There are specialized laptops designed specifically for gaming. Other ways to play include tablets, the IPad, and handheld gaming systems like the PSP or the Nintendo DS.

What is sysbiam?

that is Symbian not sysbiamSymbian is a mobile operating system (OS) and computing platform designed for smartphones

What is the difference between mobile and portable cellular phones?

Mobile Computing: In Mobile Computing, the user can move from onelocation to other and he can keep computing while moving.Portable computing: In Portable Computing, the user moves to otherlocation, connects his laptop to a port and the he performs computing.

When did Pirates of the Caribbean Multiplayer Mobile happen?

Pirates of the Caribbean Multiplayer Mobile happened in 2006.

When was Pirates of the Caribbean Multiplayer Mobile created?

Pirates of the Caribbean Multiplayer Mobile was created in 2006.

What is the common name for mobile computing?

A few common names for mobile computing are nomadic computing and mobile communication. The terms just basically mean the ability to use mobile communication while you are on the go.

How Mobile computing works?

Most countries have a Wi-Fi network. Mobile computing simply uses the Wi-Fi network to connect to the internet.

What is mobile computing?

Mobile computing technologies are wireless computing technologies such as laptops, tablet-PCs, cellular phones, fusion devices and Bluetooth enable devices. Mobile computing technologies have these characteristics: Connectivity, Individuality, Portability and Social Interactivity.

What is Net book?

A small, low-cost, mobile computing device designed for consuming content, rather than creating new content

Is iPad a mobile computing device?

Yes. An iPad is a mobile computing device.

What has the author Chander Dhawan written?

Chander Dhawan has written: 'Mobile computing' -- subject(s): Mobile computing


The mobile-friendly approach is a practice that emphasizes designing and developing the online experience for mobile before other devices.