game console game console is an electronic device that outputs a video signal or image to display a video game that can be played with a game controller.
The Saturn console. (btw the final console was Dreamcast)
A game Boy Actually, the first video game console was called the Magnavox Odyssey and was released in 1972.
A game console.
The Magnavox Odyssey (1972) was the first video game console that could be connected to a TV set.
The Wii
It is a very popular video game console.
there wasn't any games consoles made in 1948 or before that.
I would suggest a Nintendo DS with a game such as Brain Training. The console is around 100 pounds and the game around 30. Other games can be played on the console that are not puzzle games. Other puzzle games are available for the console.
The amount of money GameStop gives for a used game depends on a variety of factors, such as how old it is, what console it is for, and how popular the game is.
That depends on who you ask! According to one list, the most popular game right now is Pokemon Emerald. Another larger list, compiled in February 2009, Uno 52 is the most popular.
The plural of game console is game consoles. As in "I have several game consoles at home".
the new game console coming out is the Ouya
with game console parts..... and a guy who knows how to.... and stuff.......
Yes, it is a portible game console.
The most popular Nintendo DS video game was the Pokemon series, particularly Pokemon SoulSilver. This was on of the highest selling games all year on any console.
It is called a game console.