The most Bench Pressed was by Ryan Kennelly (1070 pounds)
Gene Rychlak had the heaviest bench press at 1010 pounds.
he can bench 550
120 lbs in russia
Arnold shwartzennager
Larry Allen from the Dallas Cowboys holds the biggest bench press outside of power lifting. He has bench pressed 700lbs.
I tried looking up several weight classes and what the max bench was. The only things I found was a 165 lbs man bench pressed 405 lbs. The most I could find for 155lbs was 260lbs but that has to be a mistake cause I weigh 154lbs and bench 315 lbs 3 days ago.
Rob Zolaturiuk benched an impressive 880 pounds on March 25, 2000. Hossein Rezazadeh Bench Press: 220.0 Kg NOT Rollo Zamiski
Monson Peterson of Westminster, CA. He bench pressed 505 lb. at the age of 17 as a Junior of Westminster High School in the Summer of 1984.
The most EVER by a NFL lineman is 49 repetitions, by Stephen Paea 2011.
There is no one most reliable woodworking bench. To find the best and most reliable woodworking bench you need to make sure that the bench is made of a solid wood such as oak. You do not want a bench made of particle board or some other type of glued together fake wood.
Shaquille O'neal