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The most powerful water type is Suicune.

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Q: What is the most powerful water type Pokemon ever?
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What is the most powerful water type Pokemon?

The most powerful water type pokemons are kyogre and Palkia. Wrong. Palkia and Lugia tie for it. Kyogre is less powerful. But Arceus with the Water Plate could be considered more powerful.

Which is the most powerful Pokemon ever?

According to the base stats 'ARCEUS' has the highest stats all up.

What is the most powerful ball ever created?

fill it with water and put it in the freezer +

The most powerful Pokemon ever?

No mewtwo is stronger than mew they built him to me smarter and more powerful than shows the scientist in the movie

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The most powerful bomb ever made was the tsar bomb.

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What is an Arceus egg?

It is an egg, that when hatched, the most powerful Pokemon ever comes out. Arceus. I'm not sure how you got the Arceus Egg because Arceus is a legendary Pokemon.

What is the most powerful Pokemon ever?

probably no Pokemon can be said most powerful as they get tougher with training as in case of charizard where it was first beaten by blazigen and in battle frontier it defeated articuno same is with every Pokemon so level them high make them learn new powerful moves and they will get more powerful

What is the most powerful Pokemon on Pokemon games?

Arceus is the most powerful, with a base stat total of 720, the current highest. sds ooo

Who is the stronger Pokemon?

The strongest (most powerful) Pokemon is of course rayquaza.