/give yourname 397 1 3 {SkullOwner:yourname}
Replace "yourname" with your name.
Example: /give EliteLeader99 397 1 3 {SkullOwner:EliteLeader99}
The only way to get a command block in Minecraft is to have cheats on in your world.Once you generated a world like that, type in the following command:/give [your Minecraft character's name] 137 [amount up to 64]That will give you a command block.
/toggledownfall to stop or make rain in minecraft
You can't have commands on minecraft classic but you can in multiplayer classic
The command is /timeset day. This can only be used by admins and ops.
You can't craft it, it can only be obtained through the /give command.
The command to make a player head that resembles another player requires the /give command. This command gives you the head portion of the skin and not the hat portion. The command is /give @p 397 1 3 {SkullOwner:PlayerName}.* * Substitute PlayerName with the user name you would like to have the head of.
There is no command block in minecraft. If you go to the Minecraft WiKi it will have all the information you need for anything in the game.
You need to be in creative mode in order to input commands into the command block.
The only way to get a command block in Minecraft is to have cheats on in your world.Once you generated a world like that, type in the following command:/give [your Minecraft character's name] 137 [amount up to 64]That will give you a command block.
the command block doesn't have an ip.
/toggledownfall to stop or make rain in minecraft
the possibilities for commands is endless in bedrock edition as long as you know how to add your own custom commands using command blocks which you can get by typing /give @s command_block
/summon primedTnt
If you're using WorldEdit. The command is, /tree redwood
You can't have commands on minecraft classic but you can in multiplayer classic