94000130 FCFF0000 62101D40 00000000 B2101D40 00000000 0000B5D4 00000008 0000B5D8 00000000 D2000000 00000000 Press L+R while entering a pokemart.
kehkehkehkehekhekhekehkehkehekhekhekhekehkehkehekhekhekhekehkehkehkehkehkehkehkehkehkehekhekhekhekhekehkehkehkehkehkehkehkehekhekehkehkehkeh NOOOOOOOOOOOB!
Here's the code you need 94000130 FCFF0000 621BFAF0 00000000 B21BFAF0 00000000 B0000004 00000000 0000B600 EDB88320 2000B62C 00000008 D2000000 00000000
i don't know yet -_________________________________________________-!
no there is no cheat that helps you complete the trainer card.
There is no such code for pokemon platinum
kehkehkehkehekhekhekehkehkehekhekhekhekehkehkehekhekhekhekehkehkehkehkehkehkehkehkehkehekhekhekhekhekehkehkehkehkehkehkehkehekhekehkehkehkeh NOOOOOOOOOOOB!
Here's the code you need 94000130 FCFF0000 621BFAF0 00000000 B21BFAF0 00000000 B0000004 00000000 0000B600 EDB88320 2000B62C 00000008 D2000000 00000000
i don't know yet -_________________________________________________-!
no there is no cheat that helps you complete the trainer card.
There is no such code for pokemon platinum
u cant anymore but theres an action replay code for that
what is the code for 999 masterballs for pokemon platinum?
there is no code.
no you can only get it by mystery gft
What is the Pokemon 900 medicine code for action replay to Pokemon platinum
Your friend code backward. There is no action replay code for Zoara in Pokemon Platinum.