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What is the Pokemon 900 medicine code for action replay to Pokemon platinum

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Q: What is the 900 of all medicine items code for Pokemon Platinum?
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its 9098213jljuipo0-0010

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You could just use all the fossils to get Pokemon and then you will be able to get items.

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the code is 67583057 86930586 768493956 758394586 786859405 76859304 and then reapeat it

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there is no code.

I used the action replay code to get all key items for Pokemon platinum Why arent they working in my game?

someone gave you the wrong code

Is there an action replay code for Pokemon platinum that max out medicine?

yes, there is, but i don't know the actual code, you could try searching it on google though

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What the heck is Jap!!!!??? jap is the abbriviatian of japan

Where do you find the pal pad in pokemon platinum?

In your bag towards the main items. youll click it and it'll show you a friend code,register code,your code