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There is no maximum cash in Runescape. There is however a maximum amount of gp you can have in one stack which I think is what you meant. The maximum amount of cash in one stack in runescape is 2,147,483,647 as can be seen here:

The highest number any java engine can produce is thought to be 2,147,483,647 but is in fact only if we are using the first modifier to denote + or - in a positive only number situation it can handle as high as: 4,294,67,295

*To the person that says that runescape private servers don't use java to run their servers, they do, there's really no other way to run them, because runescape is a java game.

Haaaaxctually, since there's a limited number of bank and inventory spaces the maximum amount of cash should be 2.1b x number of bank spaces + inventory spaces so about 900-1000billion

^ Actually, you can have 6 stacks of max cash in the GE + 1 in the bank + 1 in your inventory. You cannot have more than one stack of max cash in the bank/inventand you can store money in familiars and kingdoms (7.5M max) 19,334,852,823 In terms of actual coins it is possible to store money in the bank, inventory, GE, familiar and kingdoms (7.5M max) giving an absolute total of 19,334,852,823 stored - nine max-stacks plus 7.5 million.

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