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Probably 32 gigs, but flashdrives can get up to 64 or even 128 gigs. If you have one and are wondering, just plug it in and see if it works.

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Q: What is the max GB flash drive you can have for xbox 360 slim?
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Can Xbox 360 slim use Xbox memory cards?

of coarse this person has no idea what hes talking about, xbox 360 got rid of the proprietary memory cards with the slim, you must have a usb flash drive or hard drive to use your gamertag on the go

Is Xbox 360 flash drive compatible with Xbox 360?

yes it is

Is the Xbox 360 detachable hard drive compatible with the new Xbox 360 slim?

No, the new xbox 360 slim basically has a hard drive like a block, way better than the original xbox 360's long hard drive.

Where is the hard drive on Xbox 360 slim?

Inside of the Xbox.

Where to buy an hard drive for xbox 360 slim?

You can buy a Xbox 360 s hard drive from the Xbox website.

How do you get an xbox 360 hard drive to work in the xbox 360 slim?

You cant, the only thing you can do is transfer the memory to the new xbox 360 slim with a transfer cable.

Will a hard drive from a xbox 360 slim work in a standard xbox 360?

No, they are different sizes.

What has a bigger hard drive xbox 360 elite or xbox 360 slim?

Xbox 360 Elite features a 120gb hard drive and the Xbox 360s features both a 4 and 250gb setup. So the answer is both but the Slim has the capability for a bigger hard drive.

What will happen to the xbox 360 slim hard drive if you modify the xbox 360 slim?

Nothing should happen because you shouldnt been modding the hard drive section, or the hole xbox.

How can you put music from a flash drive to an xbox 360 hard drive?

yes, you can. you can copy music to the xbox 360

How Can you transfer files from Xbox 360 to Xbox 360 using thumb drive?

You can't transfer files on xbox 360 using a usb thumb drive, but you can if you buy a xbox 360 memory card