hope this helps
By either being very lucky or cheating using a Action Replay.
all the Pokemon on route 210 in Pokemon diamond and pearl are ponyta, geodude and if your really lucky you can find onix.
First of all, you need to have a lucky egg. There is a 20% chance wild Chansey will have them. But after you do all that work just to get one, do you need to do it all over again to get two? Of course not! All you need is a Pokemon that knows the move thief. Put it at the front of your party. Put a higher level Pokemon next to it and make it hold the lucky egg. Make sure the Pokemon that knows thief has no item. Otherwise this will not work. Go into a double battle. Use thief on your Pokemon holding the lucky egg. When the battle is over, both Pokemon should be holding luck eggs. You do not need action replay to do this. QUESTION: Does this work with master balls? or any item?
you have to do nothing and just wait until your dsi turns off of low battery lucky me, my battery was already blinking red I was playing Pokemon pearl with action replay and that happened, be careful with action replay Your dsi will be fine. no harm or anything a faster way is to take out your battery and put it back in
That Q. makes no sense, fix it and i'll be GLAD to help. -Lucky =3
you have to be lucky or have action replay
just walk around and try... i got some that way...hmm... maybe its cuz am lucky..
Gameshark/Action Replay codes or just keep battling Gyarados or Magikarps. Eventually, if you're lucky, a shiny one will show up.
Use the GTS and some friends, and be VERY lucky!
use a action replay and use the wild Pokemon shiny code and the gyrados code or you mite be lucky ebough to be traded one over GTS
By either being very lucky or cheating using a Action Replay.
simple you either use a cheat via action replay or get very very lucky
In every Pokemon Game, there is a lucky egg.Only 1.No more, no less.If you want a lot of lucky eggs, be sure to use Action Replay (AR). :)
You Will Need A Action Replay Then Get The ShayMin Code Then Go To Route 224! well instead of action replay u have to finish the WHOLE pokedex so it might take a while or just use action replay of somehting if u dont want to do it this way By using AR. OR YOU CAN GO TO AN EVENTIN NYC OR TOKYO OR MABE YOU'LL GET LUCKY AT YOU NEAR BY TOYS ARE US
You can either trade to get one or ,if you are super lucky, you migrate one.
shiny pokemon can very rarely be found in the wild. there is a 1% chance to find shiny pokemon in the wild! if you breed shiny pokemon, if you are lucky, the baby will be shiny!
You could always use an action replay. Or get really really lucky and win the lottery 100 times ;)