First of all, you need to have a lucky egg. There is a 20% chance wild Chansey will have them. But after you do all that work just to get one, do you need to do it all over again to get two? Of course not! All you need is a Pokemon that knows the move thief. Put it at the front of your party. Put a higher level Pokemon next to it and make it hold the lucky egg. Make sure the Pokemon that knows thief has no item. Otherwise this will not work. Go into a double battle. Use thief on your Pokemon holding the lucky egg. When the battle is over, both Pokemon should be holding luck eggs. You do not need action replay to do this.
QUESTION: Does this work with master balls? or any item?
to get a lucky in soul silver you have to catch a chansy and then take the item if it has a item
Players can only get the lucky egg in Pokemon Pearl from the wild Chanseys. Lucky eggs are very difficult to find in the game.
Lucky Egg x99994000130 fcff0000b21c4d28 00000000b0000004 0000000000000890 03e700e7d2000000 00000000hope this helps
all the Pokemon on route 210 in Pokemon diamond and pearl are ponyta, geodude and if your really lucky you can find onix.
Your female pokemon,and your ditto and male can have eggs.You can get eggs at the pokemon day care in Soloceon town.
There are no lucky eggs in pearl or diamond but throughout you get 2 free normal eggs from a guy in hearthrome and from riley on iron island.
Wild Chansey sometimes have lucky eggs held.
In my opinion, i think your birthstone is very lucky. My birthstone is diamond. I have a diamond in my room and i think it is lucky (it's really small). Zircon is also very lucky.
5% of the time will you get a Lucky Egg.
The cast of Lucky Travels L.A. - 2005 includes: Wendy Diamond as Herself - Host Lucky Diamond as Herself - Host
There are no Shuppet eggs in Pokemon Diamond.
i love to say that the lucky sign this year maybe is the diamond,,,
Use the explorer kit and get lucky. ;)
in private places is where diamond back snakes lay eggs like in a burrow or under a rock
to get a lucky in soul silver you have to catch a chansy and then take the item if it has a item
slather honey on a tree and wait and hope you get really lucky cause its only like a 2% chance