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By either being very lucky or cheating using a Action Replay.

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Q: Pokemon emerald how to get a shiny poochyena?
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At what level does Poochyena evolve on Pokemon Emerald?

Poochyena is a dark type of Pokemon. In Pokemon Emerald it will evolve if you raise it up to level 18.

How do you get Poochyena in Pokemon Diamond?

You can get Poochyena into your Pokemon Diamond by migrating it from a Sapphire, Ruby, or Emerald Pokemon game.

How old is poochyena from pokemon?

Not sure how old, but I know that Poochyena is from the Emerald/Ruby/Sapphire versions

On which level does poochyena evolve in Pokemon emerald?

Level 20.

Where can poochyena be found in Pokemon FireRed?

You can't get poochyena in that game you have to trade from sapphire, emerald, ruby, colosseum or XD

How do you get a yellow poochyena in ruby?

Poochyena are yellow/orange if they are shiny. The odds in finding a shiny Pokemon are 1 in 8192, or 1 in 213 . Basically, either trade for it, or happy hunting!

How do you get a shiny Pokemon in emerald?

Get out you stupids! I'm better! You can't get a shiny Pokemon in emerald! Except for me! Hahahahahahaha!!

Does Mightyena evolve in Pokemon Emerald?

No. Poochyena evolves into Mightyena, then you're done.

Pokemon emerald shiny code?

sorry but there are no shiny Pokemon codes they do not exist right now

Where can you get the mighty roar in Pokemon emerald?

To get the TM Roar There is a guy with a Poochyena on Route 114 talk to him and he will give it to you.

What poke'mon can us cut on poke'mon emerald?

Some pokemon that you can get early in the game are zigzagoon and poochyena. They can both learn cut.

Does the internal battery affect shiny Pokemon in Pokemon emerald?

Internal battery has no effect with shiny pkmn