its the top trainer cafe, u cant open it until after you finish the events at stark mountain. once u save the magma stone u can go back and visit the cafe and battle gym leaders each day
around survival area
just left of the survival area
Buck lives in the Survival Area in Pokemon Platinum. Buck is part of a quest involving Stark Mountain and Heatran.
The rival the third time you battle him in survival area
in the survival area [after u beat heatran]
you can find it in the survival area
around survival area
You have to pay a monthy fee
just left of the survival area
you catch banette at the fight area, resort area or survival area
You can find it in the Survival Area. Hope this helped!! =)
the route past the survival area at night
Buck lives in the Survival Area in Pokemon Platinum. Buck is part of a quest involving Stark Mountain and Heatran.
the survival area battle cafe BUCK
The rival the third time you battle him in survival area
in the survival area [after u beat heatran]
survival area and route 227 after u have a national pokedex