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Q: How do you catch a Diglett in Pokemon platinum?
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Can you catch diglett in Pokemon Ruby?

no you cant catch diglett on Pokemon ruby because diglett is too old he comes only back in Pokemon diamond

How do you catch diglett on Pokemon emerald?

u cant

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how do you catch a mewtwo on Pokemon platinum

How can i catch the 3 the regi's in Pokemon Platinum?

you cannot catch the 3 regi's in Pokemon platinum you have to catch them in Pokemon emerald then transfer them to Pokemon platinum. thnx

Where can you catch diglett in emerald?

You'll have to trade from Pokemon FireRed or LeafGreen.

What Pokemon can you catch that has already learned dig on its own?

Diglett or Dugtrio

How do you catch a diglett in platinum?

Well you first have to gain the national dex and then near route 228

Can diglett learn mean look I'm trying to catch Cresselia but my diglett is REALLY weak no match for a legendary I want to be able to switch out Pokemon please help.?

If you are trying to catch Cresselia I would swap Diglett for one of our stronger Pokemon (click x then go onto the Pokemon section, click the Diglett and press switchto switch it for one of your stronger Pokemon before the battle). Diglett cannot learn Mean Look, or any of the other blocking moves such as block and Spider Web.If I were you I would use different Pokemon to catch Cresselia.

Where can you catch charzard in Pokemon Platinum?

You can't actually catch him in Pokemon platinum but you can migrate him over to platinum if you have him in another game

How do you catch entie in Pokemon Platinum?

you can't catch him in platinum but in soulsilver or heartgold you can catch him then trade it to platinum.

Where is diglett in Pokemon Emerald?

You cannot catch Diglett in Pokémon Emerald, you can only get it through where you need to catch it in L.G OR F.Ryou can't but you can get him from leaf green or fire red

Can you get Charmander in Pokemon Platinum?

Yes.You can catch charmander in Pokemon platinum.