Buck lives in the Survival Area in Pokemon Platinum. Buck is part of a quest involving Stark Mountain and Heatran.
you go to the resort area
its the trainer house thing with all the gym leaders but he doesn't stay there for long
If your playing Pokemon Diamond or Pearl, you'll never see him again, but if your playing Pokemon Platinum you can battle him and the gym leaders in the resturaunt in the Survival area.
You'll have to go to Stark Mountain and help Buck to get rid of Team Galactic and then return to the cafe. Buck should be standing by it, so talk to him and he will open the door.
how to get a togepi in Pokemon platinum
You don't get the magna stone from buck in Pokemon platinum.
Buck is a boy
you go to the resort area
He is outside and (later) inside Stark Mountain.
i believe buck has one in the battleground
in the battlegruond buck has Shuckle Umbreon Dusknoir Torkoal Claydol
Shuckle, Dusknoir, Torkoal, Umbreon, and Claydol.
He lives north of the Battle Frontier.
the survival area battle cafe BUCK
you must go to stark moutin (with buck) and you may find him
Go to Stark Mountain and get the Magmar Stone after Buck has put it back.
Pokemon platinum comes out in japan first cause the author of the Pokemon live in japan.