If your playing Pokemon Diamond or Pearl, you'll never see him again, but if your playing Pokemon Platinum you can battle him and the gym leaders in the resturaunt in the Survival area.
I think Stark Mountain.
Buck lives in the Survival Area in Pokemon Platinum. Buck is part of a quest involving Stark Mountain and Heatran.
to stark mountain to catch hetran
you go backto the nearest town and go in all of the houses and you will find buck in one of them. talk to her and she will leave. go back to stark mountain in the same room and you will find the legendary pokemon heatran.
you have to talk to buck's grandpa first, then get through stark mountain with buck. Once you get through, go back and to talk to the grandpa, then go back to stark mountain. Heatran should be there at level 50. Bring lots of dusk balls.
Once you get through the first level of Stark Mountain you will see Buck. Buck needs help to get through Stark Mountain. Once you get him trough he takes the treasure and leaves.
just talk to him..
I think Stark Mountain.
You have to go all the way back through Stark Mountain where he found it, and then there's a surprise in stall.
Heatran is encountered at level 70. Heatran lives at the top of Stark Mountain. Go to the top of Stark Mountain with a trainer named Buck. Buck will then take the Magma Stone and leave Stark Mountain, which causes the mountain to act up. Talk to Buck at his house, and he will put the stone back. Go back to the top of Stark Mountain and Heatran will be there in the place of the Magma Stone.
He is outside and (later) inside Stark Mountain.
you cant. buck the idiot takes it.
Buck's house is in the survival place when you are going to Stark mountain next to the Poke center
If buck is with you and he wont leave than you didnt get the magma stone, go and find it. once you do (actually buck takes it), go to the survival area in the house next to the Pokemon center and talk to buck, then go back to stark mountain, enter the room where you got the magma stone, and catch the heatran that will be waiting in there for
deafet the Pokemon league and go to stark mountain and team up with buck and go to the end of stark mountain and buck will find the magma stone then go back to survival area and search for the house with buck in it he will put the magma stone back and go where buck found the magma stone and heatran is there
It's a long and VERY infurinating process, but I promise you Heatran is worth it when you're done: When you get to the survival area, go to the house west of the Pokemon center. Talk to the old man then go to stark mountain. You'll meet Buck, and he askes you if you can go with him. He'll steal the magma stone, and run away. Go out of Stark Mountain and go back to the old man's house. Buck is the old guy's grandson. He tells Buck to return the Magma Stone. So you go back to Stark Mountain again. Go to where Buck stole the stone. You'll see him return it. Go out of Stark Moutain again. Go back to Stark Mountain to where the Magma stone is. Heatran will be there.
Buck lives in the Survival Area in Pokemon Platinum. Buck is part of a quest involving Stark Mountain and Heatran.