The highest level on Ourworld is level 100. You can't go any higher than that.
you have to be level 40+
You have to get past level 20 and then you get ur license.
It's a dance planet move get it from it
just win
yes 1000 gems and level 190
you can adopt and that is it
you have to be level 40+
lvl 50
You have to get past level 20 and then you get ur license.
It's a dance planet move get it from it
just win
easy. dance, chat, do the usual.
yes 1000 gems and level 190
1) take the time to level up to level 100 2) hacks 3) be related to the owner of OurWorld
It hasn't been released yet! When it has, go to CK's ourworld Guide and you will see the new code there. I'm not sure, but appaantly its a 20 gem code, but idk. Add Me on ourWorld. My name is Jam Zo. Level 23
when you get to level 18 and a super friend is a bat, fairy, etc your not able to get a super friend when your at lower level