* Like a big light gray dragon on 2 legs and a long neck, pink pearls in it's shoulders and has closed wing like extensions on it's neck and purple lines down it's body, for a better result google image search palkia.
Where are venator legs in fossil fightAt kentwood Forest. How do you get fossil fighter spinax legs? Dig them up at Greenhorn plains.
Bowser is a mythical creature called a Tarasque. A Tarasque is a large creature with the scales of a dragon, body and shell of a turtle (usually bearing spikes), four to six legs and a mane which is usually orange or red. In the city of Tarascus, the citizens celebrate the Tarasque with parades and festivals. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarasque
You can probably find Thalasso legs in lilum village dig sites. However, Raja legs and Tricera legs have been found in the pay-to-dig-site at treasure lake. Raja arms may be found at the desert dig site in cranial isle. Were there legs meant to be hidden forever? Try and see...
Newfoundland and Norfolk terrier are four legged dogs. A nanny goat has four legs.
In most dragon variants, the creatures have four legs. Wyverns, a kind of European dragon, have just two.
Yes the frost dragon has 4 legs,full wings,light colour.
They used their legs.
usually they have 4 legs, they also have 4 claws/toes on each foot
dragon armor. legs boots helm etc.
A tripod and a milking stool, both have three legs.
Six (6).
a lot
I depends on what species of dragon it is. For example, a Chinese Fire/Shadow/Devil dragon is long, flexible, and has no legs/arms. While a Chinese Water dragon is long, flexible, and has arms and legs. European Dragons are the basic shape. You know, long neck, wings, arms and legs. Now that's all I'm going to say because there are many others.
Dragon Fly