You can look at the picture of Palkia in Celestic Town to put it into your pokedex, but you can't actually catch it in diamond.
yes palkia is a legendary thank you you need a a master ball to catch palkia
If you have already caught Palkia or Dialga (Palkia-Pearl Dialga-Diamond) then that means that you have already defeated Team Galactic, and you can go to the Pal Park, try to find more legendaries, or anything you want to do, but if not then you have to go to the place where you will catch either Palkia or Dialga and right before you catch them you will encounter Cyrus, the leader of Team Galactic. If you want to know where to find Palkia or Dialga and encounter Cyrus try looking up something like "where do you catch Palkia or Dialga?" or something like that.
No. Regigigas can cream Palkia! However, Palkia's speed is faster. It could attack first.
if palkia has low helth then yah because palkia is like all the other Pokemon but there is only one of palkia so try not to faint palkia
You can look at the picture of Palkia in Celestic Town to put it into your pokedex, but you can't actually catch it in diamond.
no palkia and giritina are retards and like chicken but seriously nah you have to trade
You get palkia at the height of the game on your second visit to Mt. Coronet and you will be lead up to Palkia by team galalctic You should look up Marilands Pokemon Diamond adventure diamond same as pearl so if having trouble during game look up Mariland and will have all parts look for the part u are up to and follow on from there. When you find the Dialga battle you will find you meet your friend to battle 2 of the Commanders the you beat one on your own then you must defeat the Commander Cyrus again and then you can battle Palkia then after wards keep waking and you will find a orb for palkia. you get palkia after you beat the 7th Gym Leader
YES I have done it because i like palkia and wanted him as soon as possible
man you was so wrong dialga got hit about what 1 time palkia got hit like 9 dialga didnt avoid a single thing palkia man and the thing is cant dialga a go to a different place like space and come back like giratina in newest movie from behind so i will say draw
It has the title, a 3d Dialga, Palkia, all final evolutions of the Sinnoh starters in 3d, and a 3d Pikachu on the cover.
This is where you battle palkia, you battle Palkia at MT.Cornet.
yes thats a no braina look on the back of the case .
No, they´re like symbiotic Pokemon
You can capture Palkia through Mt Corner in the Spear Pillar and use balls like Great and Ultra Balls of course.