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There is no Green Heart Event. The event occurs at Yellow. You'll exit your house between 6am and noon on a sunny day and her Yellow Heart Event will begin. Hope this was helpful.

The event: Yellow Heart Event

» Exit your farmhouse

» 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, Summer season, sunny day Muffy will greet you as you leave your house. Today's weather is good so she suggests the two of you go out somewhere, perhaps a d-a-t-e? Tell her you'll go out on a date and the two of you go out to the Goddess Pond. At the pond Muffy lets you know that this pretty pond is said to be sacred. She's glad to know that you feel the same about this spot. Muffy decides it's time to go to a new spot on your date. You'll visit Kai at his summer food booth and he notices you two appear to be on a date. Kai says it'll be his treat so you get some food. Once your meal is over you both return to your farm. It's the first time that Muffy's enjoyed a date with a boy. yes there is a green heart event but it wont wrong it will turn yellow if you have 60 havest sprites and it will work good luck!

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Q: What is the green heart event for Muffy in Harvest Moon DS?
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Is there another heart event after the green heart with muffy on harvest moon ds?

Yes. There are four Heart Events. Black, Purple, Blue, and Yellow. The Yellow Heart Event can only be activated after the Green Heart Color.

What is after the yellow heart event for Muffy in Harvest Moon for DS?

Congrats! You did all of Muffy's Heart Events! Just improve your friendship and Love points with Muffy until red heart, then you can purpose marriage.

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There is no Orange Heart Event. Muffy only has a Black, Purple, Blue, and Yellow Heart Event.

Why is the yellow heart event not working on muffy even though her heart is yellow harvest moon?

Have you done any of these thing wrong? 1. You missed a heart event 2. Or you do not know how to do Muffy's Yellow heart Event right. Here is how you do Muffy's Yellow Heart Event. Yellow Heart Event » Exit your farmhouse » 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, Summer season, sunny day

You went to the beach for purple heart event for muffy but muffy is not there on harvest moon ds?

Make sure it is not on a Wednesday and must not be a rainy day. >.< bx

What is the green heart event for Celia on harvest moon DS?

there is no green heart event.

I have missed the purple heart event and the blue one won't work for muffy on Harvest Moon DS. Why won't it work?

you have to do the purple event you can still do the purple event as blue then do the blue event

What is the sweetest heart event Harvest Moon DS?

The sweetest one in my opinion, would be the one where you go on a date with Muffy when she is on her yellow heart. My other sweetest one would probably be Celia's blue event.

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I dont have the game but if its like harvest moon DS there is no green or orange heart event. pls correct me if this is wrong.

When is muffy's black heart event?

Black Heart Event: » Blue Bar » 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm » Muffy has a black heart color or higher

How do you get muffy to do black heart event?

To activate Muffy's Black Heart Event you must go to the Blue Bar Between 3:00pm and 5:00pm

How do you get married with muffy in harvest moon?

You have to get her to red heart (she likes wine and flowers and apple pie). You have to experience all her heart events, listed below. You must have saved 60 Harvest Sprites, thus saving the Harvest Goddess. You need the Big Bed and the Large House. You give her the blue feather once you have met all the requirements. For help: Heart Event» Blue Bar» 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm» Muffy has a black heart color or higherPurple Heart Event» Beach» 9:00 am to 11:00 am, not Wednesday, rainy day» Muffy has a purple heart color or higher» You have seen the black heart eventBlue Heart Event» Blue Bar» 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm, not Wednesday» Muffy has a blue heart color or higher» You have seen the black and purple heart events Yellow Heart Event» Exit your farmhouse» 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, Summer season, sunny day» Muffy has a yellow heart color or higher» You have seen the black, purple, and blue heart events