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Its a mantinace error

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Q: What is the dns error 80028E02 on ps3?
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What is error code 80028E02 on PS3?

Usually an error code 80028e02 means it has trouble connecting to the internet. Try this, it might help you configure your playstation to your internet connection

How do you fix dns error 80410402?

I am not connect to the ps3

What is dns for PS3?

DNS is a portable device on your psp that support your internet browser.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everytime i try to get my PS3 on the internet it says this is a dns error 80710102 what is wrong. can you help?

There are several possible root causes for this error but ultimately the PS3 is losing connection and is unable to reconnect. Some possible solutions include disabling the media server on the PS3, configuring static DNS addresses on both your router and your PS3, updating your router firmware, or moving your PS3 to the DMZ.

What could be wrong if you put in all the information to set up a PS3 through wired connection When trying to connect it obtains my IP address but says DNS error 80710102?

DNS error 80710102 means that there's a connection time out when your PS3 is attempting to connect to your internet provider. Check your PS3's settings and see if a DNS address is displaying properly. If it doesn't show any numbers, or is displaying "", you might have to contact your internet provider and find out what their address is. Once they provide you the DNS address, you can manually put it in the PS3's settings.

Why DNS query error

You are getting the dns error because ther is no website or URL with the name so dns cannot resolve it to any IP so its shows an error.

What is the dns for PS3?

domain name server, different for each user.

What is dns error 8041040f?

the game has it, try reinstalling the game.

What is a 80028F08 ps3 error?

error code 80028f08

How do you stop a DNS error on a mobile phone?

flush it down the toilet

What is A network that becomes disabled when one PC is down?

DNS error

What if your preferred dns server is blank?

if the preferred dns server is blank then the system takes dns as the host server and try to resolve the entries from its own cache if it is able to do it then finew other wise it will show dns error on the IE page. same thing happens with the resources if its in the cache it will resolve the FQDN to IP othere wise will give error