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error code 80028f08

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Q: What is a 80028F08 ps3 error?
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It is most likely the disc error, or a problem with your PS3. Try wiping the disc and restarting your PS3.

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This error occurs when the PS3 is down for maintenance. On March 9, 2011, the Network will be down most of the day for routine maintenance.

Having problems loading my game on ps3 showing error code 80p10006?

For in-depth on how to fix PS3 error code 80p10006 visit

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Ps network down for maintainence

What is error code 80028E02 on PS3?

Usually an error code 80028e02 means it has trouble connecting to the internet. Try this, it might help you configure your playstation to your internet connection

What is dns for PS3?

DNS is a portable device on your psp that support your internet browser.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everytime i try to get my PS3 on the internet it says this is a dns error 80710102 what is wrong. can you help?

There are several possible root causes for this error but ultimately the PS3 is losing connection and is unable to reconnect. Some possible solutions include disabling the media server on the PS3, configuring static DNS addresses on both your router and your PS3, updating your router firmware, or moving your PS3 to the DMZ.